12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

3. Make Hulk Vs The Thunderbolts

Villain ensembles are like the new little black dress. There's a new Universal Monsters shared universe, Sony are apparently still pushing ahead with their Sinister Six, and Suicide Squad looks like one of the most exciting upcoming comic book movies. Marvel need to get on that rollercoaster immediately, and they can do it by sharing top billing between Hulk and the Thunderbolts.

Marvel have had some issues with villains in their cinematic excursions so far: only Ultron and Loki have been particularly memorable, and they need something that proves they can produce good bad guys. Either that or everyone will start questioning why we need so many good guys in the first place...

The answer to both that problem and the Hulk solo problem could be having a Hulk stand-alone that introduces General Thunderbolts' "reformed criminals" team as a Dirty Dozen style task-force challenged with taking down enemy number one in exchange for lenience. Which is probably exactly the same plot as Suicide Squad, but who cares? Comic books rob each other all the time.

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