12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

5. Call Deadpool (Or Punisher)

Obviously there is an issue with just bringing Deadpool into the MCU, especially since he's about to launch a new series for Fox, but if for any reason 2016's Deadpool movie fails to land the box office haul Fox need to justify their gamble in it (it won't, but here's to self-serving fantasy), Marvel should call.

If they can somehow negotiate a deal with Fox to borrow Deadpool the same way they've finally got Spider-Man, they could put together a plot focused on Thunderbolt Ross' attempts to take Hulk down at any cost. Including hiring an extremely volatile, walking hand-grenade. And from there, one of the most unlikely but rewarding rivalries could blossom, with the irresistible force of Hulk meeting the immovable object of Deadpool's invincibility.

Either that or they simply bring Punisher in in the same role. Having two anti-heroes with ambiguous drives face off and a near unlimited capacity for violence and destruction would be something really special indeed. If Deadpool succeeds, this kind of wildcard choice might well start to appeal more to Marvel.

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