12 Ways To Make A Hulk Movie That Doesn't Actually Suck

4. Make Him The Villain

There's obviously a lot of appeal in having Hulk appear to be a nuanced, multi-layered character who mirrors humanity and has his own, pretty serious personality issues. That's been a big part of all of the Hulk adaptations, and it's been a rich vein in the comics.

But occasionally, you just want Hulk to smash. That's precisely why World War Hulk works so well, and why Hulk fighting the rest of the heroic Marvel universe is such an appealing storyline when it pops up. So let's let the big guy loose.

In place of Planet Hulk, Marvel would obviously have to have a Secret Avengers/Thunderbolts movie that casts Hulk as the target (it would actually make sense post-Civil War), and then have his stand-alone be a revenge movie with an enormous threat. It would be a sight to behold to watch the Avengers - or whoever he seeks to destroy - attempting to deal with his threat (multiplied by his infinite rage), and him enjoying the violence for once.

Obviously the end would need some sort of soul-searching, but having an extended version of the Scarlet Witch/Hulk sequence in Age Of Ultron would be glorious.

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