12 Worst Casting Decisions In Harry Potter Movies

2. Jamie Campbell As Gellert Grindelwald

Harry Potter Casting
Warner Bros.

Only secondary to Voldemort as the big bad of the franchise, Jamie Campbell's brief appearance as the dark wizard Grindelwald pales into insignificance given what he should really be.

Looking at how big the part is in the current Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, here's betting that Warner Bros. wished they did a better job first time around. Hopping out a window with the Elder Wand in his hand, Campbell's Grindelwald looked more like Golem than any form of menace. Rowling calls Grindelwald the Adolf Hitler of wizards, the films have done a poor job thus far with the source material.

Described in the books as having "a Fred and George-ish air of triumphant trickery about him" and a "merry, wild" face," little of that came with Campbell's brief onscreen performance. Given that Dumbledore and Grindelwald are (now) alluded to as lovers, the films need to turn the story around pretty quick.

Campbell's sulky teen with a floppy mop of hair meant that it was hard to imagine that Grindelwald was any form of threat to anyone. Whereas the franchise normally did a great job of casting the younger counterparts of its main characters, Campbell looked more like an illegitimate Malfoy offspring than criminal mastermind.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap