13 Actors' Favourite Movies You'd Never Expect

11. Bruno - Tilda Swinton

Beverly Hills Ninja Christian Bale
Oscilloscope Laboratories & Universal Pictures

The Movie: Sacha Baron Cohen's 2009 mockumentary comedy stars Cohen as a gay Austrian fashion journalist who, well, goes out of his way to infuriate as many people as possible.

Why You'd Never Expect It: Tilda Swinton is an extremely serious artist and almost always classes-up any Hollywood production she brings her talents to.

That said, she's clearly much more comfortable in the art-house arena, and unsurprisingly, her other favourite movies include the Swedish version of Let the Right One In, a Persian drama practically nobody's ever heard of (Bag of Rice), Robert Bresson's acclaimed 1966 film Au Hasard Balthazar, and the 1945 Powell and Pressburger drama 'I Know Where I'm Going!'.

Bruno rather blatantly sticks out like a sore thumb among that company, and above all else, it's just hard to imagine Swinton sitting down and gut-laughing at its over-the-top raunch.

Sadly, Rotten Tomatoes' video interview with Swinton about her picks is no longer available, or it might have shed some light on the choice.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.