13 Actors You Didn't Know Almost Played The Joker

8. Lachy Hulme

Easily the least well-known actor on this list, if you venture onto Lachy Hulme's IMDB message board page, most of the top comments and populated threads are still about how Christopher Nolan absolutely has to cast the actor as The Joker. Rumours spread like wildfire in pre-production stages for The Dark Knight that the actor had met with Nolan for the role, though Hulme himself later went on to state that all the attention annoyed him ("Thank God Heath got the gig, 'cause now the press can all f*** off"), and he had never met with Nolan or been formally approached for the part. That said... Would It Have Worked?: Warner Bros. would likely have balked at casting such a little-known actor as Hulme in the part, though the vociferous Internet campaigns to get him the role may have helped, and really, it should come down to talent at the end of the day anyway. Hulme may not have the marquee name that most actors on this list have, but he's a fine actor in his own right, and crucially has a very distinguished face (namely a rather pointed nose) that would translate well to the make-up clad grotesquery of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.