13 Announced Movies You Won't Believe Are Real

10. Free Guy

Criminal Ryan Reynolds
Summit Entertainment

The Pitch: A sci-fi action-comedy starring Ryan Reynolds as a video game NPC (non-player character) who becomes aware that he's inside a game and, after learning that his creators are planning to shut the game down, sets out to stop them.

Shawn Levy (Night at the Museum, Stranger Things) directs a script from Matt Lieberman (The Christmas Chronicles).

Will It Be Any Good?: It's a neat premise and Reynolds is certainly a fine choice for the lead, but the success or failure of this film will be determined almost entirely by the quality of the script.

If it's packed with dated video game references and reeks of what a middle-aged man thinks video games are like, then no dice. But given the excellent judgement Reynolds has been showing with his projects recently, it's hard to believe it'll be bad.

As an added show of faith, Reynolds is also co-producing it, probably in the hope of adding yet another franchise to his growing cache.

Free Guy hits cinemas on July 3, 2020.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.