13 Announced Movies You Won't Believe Are Real

9. Lucy In The Sky

Lucy in the Sky Natalie Portman
Fox Searchlight

The Pitch: Loosely based on true events, this drama revolves around astronaut Lucy Cola (Natalie Portman), who begins an affair with a fellow astronaut after returning home from a lengthy mission in space.

Once Lucy loses touch with her own family - a psychological symptom of space travel - she's pushed fully over the edge after her lover embarks on his own affair with a trainee astronaut.

Noah Hawley (FX's Fargo) directs, while Jon Hamm, Zazie Beetz, Dan Stevens, Ellen Burstyn and Nick Offerman co-star.

Will It Be Any Good?: On paper this sounds fantastic, and by presenting itself as only a loose interpretation of Lisa Nowak's battery and attempted kidnapping of a U.S. Air Force Captain, it'll avoid a lot of the criticism usually associated with biographical dramas.

The cast is fantastic and Hawley has proven himself an extremely confident and capable director, especially when it comes to left-field material like this.

On one hand Oscar buzz wouldn't be surprising, but on the other, it could end up a little too weird for the Academy.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.