13 Awesome Films You Forgot Were Christmas Movies

7. Brazil

Brazil christmas
Universal Pictures

Arguably the most singular and weird entry on this list, Terry Gilliam's superb dystopian sci-fi flick is in many respects an anti-Christmas film, a hilariously subversive send-up of every excess the season invites. Unless you're a frequent viewer of the film, it's easy to forget that Brazil is set in the lead-up to Christmas at all, with office lackey Sam Lowry (Jonathan Pryce) visiting the family of a wrongly executed man to deliver a compensation payment at the start of the film.

Brazil is also loaded with anti-consumerist messages in how it depicts the soulless materialism of the dystopia Sam finds himself in, perhaps the most hilariously literal of which sees freedom fighter Archibald Tuttle (Robert De Niro) disappear from the movie amid a torrent of gift-wrap.

There's little redemption to find here, but if you're sick of all the shiny Christmas paper and faux sentiments, this is a fine tonic indeed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.