13 Awesome Horror Villains Lost In Unseen Movies

10. David, Eden, Pruitt And Sadie - The Invitation (2015)

Laid To Rest ChromeSkull

The Invitation is one of the best examples of patience paying off in modern cinema, taking its time with a relatively slow pace but rewarding the viewer with a deeply unsettling sensation and then pounding home with an absolutely brutal finale.

The film revolves around Will and his girlfriend Kira attending a dinner party hosted for him and his friends by his ex-wife Eden and her partner David. Eden and David have recently arrived back from a trip to Mexico and introduce the group to Pruitt and Sadie, two people who they met on their trip.

The Invitation tackles a lot of themes during its runtime, however the overarching theme is one of loss and the process of dealing with grief. The contrasting paths Will and Eden take over the film are totally alien to eachother and strike a seriously heavy tone with us.

Because of the film's slow pacing, we get to see each and every one of these eventual antagonists take centre stage at various points and show off their characteristics, personalities and ultimately their motivations. Each and every character is different to the other, something we rarely see in horror films, and that only adds to the discomfort of the film and the eventual fear they induce when they reveal themselves to be real villains.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.