13 Awesome Movies To Watch This Summer (Which Aren't Blockbusters)

12. The Purge: Election Year

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Universal Pictures

Release Date: July 1

The Plot: Two years after the previous movie, bada** police sergeant Leo Barnes (Frank Grillo) is the Head of Security for the front-runner in the next Presidential election (Elizabeth Mitchell). When an attack is launched on their HQ, the pair must head out into the streets on Purge night and attempt to survive, in the hope that their survival might allow the Purge laws to be changed at the next election.

Why It's Going To Be Awesome: Say what you will about these movies, but writer-director James DeMonaco is clearly trying to make each one different from the last, and the franchise lurches into full-on 70s-style political thriller territory this time around.

Frank Grillo proved himself to be the series' secret weapon in the previous film, and the same will likely be true here. Throw in plenty of intense violence and crazy psychopaths, and you've got the recipe for another indecently entertaining (if inevitably flawed) summer-time gore-fest.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.