13 Awesome Summer Movies You Probably Missed

12. Elvis & Nixon

Kubo And The Two Strings Green Room Popstar
Amazon/Bleeker Street

The Plot: On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley (Michael Shannon) shows up at the White House demanding a meeting with President Richard Nixon (Kevin Spacey), where he begs Nixon to swear him in as an undercover narc.

Why It's Awesome: This is a truly stranger-than-fiction story that's uproariously funny and totally riveting from first minute to last.

While the plot is fairly scant, Elvis and Nixon is propelled forward by two superb central performances: Shannon captures the swagger and amusing aloofness of Presley, while Spacey is about as perfect for an uptight Nixon as you'd rightly expect.

The supporting cast, including Alex Pettyfer, Evan Peters, Colin Hanks and even Johnny Knoxville, compliments the more volcanic lead performances and largely shares the audience's absolute incredulity at the situation.

It may not have much exterior political context, but director Liza Johnson (Return) trains her focus sharply on one specific event and entertains accordingly.

It barely cracked $1 million at the box office, but considering its widest release was 381 cinemas, that's not particularly surprising.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.