13 Awesome Summer Movies You Probably Missed

10. Train To Busan

Kubo And The Two Strings Green Room Popstar
Next Entertainment World

The Plot: A zombie apocalypse breaks out in Korea as a father and his daughter take a bullet train to the apparent safety of Busan. With zombies onboard the train, however, getting there alive won't be easy.

Why It's Awesome: This is a pitch-perfect example of efficient genre filmmaking, delivering the gory mayhem fans of the zombie movie expect, all while serving up memorable characters and potent social commentary and making the most of its claustrophobic setting.

It may be beholden to some occasional genre cliches and may not offer too much in the way of unpredictability, but it's superbly directed, strongly acted and all in all quite the wild ride. More than merely a mashup of World War Z and Snowpiercer as some critics have glibly claimed, this is terrific entertainment on its own terms.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.