13 Background Distractions That Completely Ruined Movie Scenes

5. Lando Wears Han's Clothes

Lando Han Solo

Now made famous by Family Guy, but a big talking point among Star Wars fans long before that more mainstream revelation, the head-scratching decision to have Lando Calrissian dress as Han Solo at the end of The Empire Strikes Back has inspired fierce debate.

It's not strictly a background detail, but it is presented in such a way that it is designed to be incidental: we aren't really supposed to read anything into it, but it's simultaneously impossible to ignore the fact that he's clearly wearing another major character's exact outfit. Clearly, this could have been symbolic - a sign of Harrison Ford's almost departure from the series at the end of Empire, and the transition of Lando into the void, or it could simply be that Lando didn't have any clothes of his own.

Others have postulated that it could be some kind of uniform, but the idea of Han wearing anything regumented is something of a betrayal of the character, and just doesn't fit with his mythology. These questions and more are why this little creative decision completely distracts from the actual scene. Even more unhelpfully, it has been confirmed that the wardrobe decision meant absolutely nothing.

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