13 Background Distractions That Completely Ruined Movie Scenes

4. The Psychic Extra €“ North By Northwest

North By Northwest Extra

A particular favourite of anyone who revels in finding goofs and Easter Eggs in the background of movie scenes, this particular little fella proves exactly why some directors aren't keen on working with children. Clearly not understanding how big a break his association with a Hitchcock movie is, the little boy in the background pays no attention to fundamental principles like staying in character and going along with the charade of the narrative, because of an overriding desire not to suffer ear trauma.

Watch as he completely undermines the gunshot moment, by making it clear for anyone with working eyes exactly what is about to happen... Obviously, in rehearsals, the bangs were too much for his tender little ears, but the Extra would have had no sense that more than 50 years on, he would become one of the most famous elements of one of Hitchcock's greatest movies.

And kudos for completely ruining a key point of the narrative.

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