13 Background Distractions That Completely Ruined Movie Scenes

3. Three Men And A Little "Ghost"

Three Men And A Baby ghost
Buena Vista Pictures

Sometimes a rumour can become bigger than the film it is dedicated to, and such is the case with Three Men And A Baby, the seminal but worryingly irresponsible portrait of modern fathering techniques by men you wouldn't trust with a Tamagochi.

Back before DVDs and Blu-Rays allowed viewers to pause movies and retain the finer detail of the background, one eagle-eyed viewer spotted would could only be described as a real life ghost, completely ignoring the fact that ghosts presumably wouldn't need to hide behind curtains.

To the untrained, or superstitious eye, there's still a chilling element to the sight of the "boy" in the window... But for anyone who likes things like the truth, this has long been debunked as a cardboard cut-out, and here's the proof...

Three Men And A Baby
Buena Vista

It doesn't stop it completely overshadowing the movie though.

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