13 Best Easter Eggs From The Star Wars Prequels

2. THX 1138


THX 1138 was George Lucas' feature directorial debut, so it undoubtedly had quite an impact on his life. But when he snuck in a cheeky wink to the film in Star Wars ("prisoner transfer from cell block 1138") he surely didn't expect to still be referencing it decades later.

That's exactly what happened, however; 1138 appears in all three of the prequels. In The Phantom Menace it's on the back of deactivated Battle Droid after the Battle of Naboo, in Attack Of The Clones it's barely visible in LED lights on the back of a Clone Pilot's helmet and it's the call sign of Clone Commander Bacara, who is seen during the Order 66 montage.

Other easter eggs from the original trilogy made their way into the newer films, such as recurring audio gag the Wilhelm scream (which seemingly has to appear in every movie ever), but this one is the best. It may not be exclusive to the prequels, but the fact that Lucas continued it through his career is pretty damn awesome.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.