13 Best Easter Eggs From The Star Wars Prequels

8. Kitchen Sink Debris


CGI is a brilliant tool for smuggling easter eggs into a film; with computers it's quicker and easier than ever to throw things in for the audience to pick up on. Nowadays animators can hide everything but the kitchen sink in there. And sometimes they throw in the sink any way.

That's what the guys working on Revenge Of The Sith did. It's in the busy opening shot, so it's hard to see, but trust us (and the animators), it's there. When a Star Destroyer attacks a Seperatist ship, one of the resulting pieces of debris that flies back at the Republic ship is actually a sink. Quite why droids need to wash dishes is a mystery the Expanded Universe is going to have to answer.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.