13 Best Horror Movie Masks

2. Pig Head - Motel Hell

Scream Mask
United Artists

Now, this is the entry that comes in place of the Saw franchise's own pig faced mask, knocking the whole concept up a notch by using an actual freaking decapitated pig head whacked over a man's face. This is supposed to be a horror-comedy, but Jesus Christ, does it push the boundary on this one with its Mr Piggy nightmare - complete with chainsaw, because why the hell not.

A brother and sister duo sell 'special meat' on a roadside stand, but of course, as you'd expect, special is a synonym for human. The pair bury kidnapped travellers alive in their garden before harvesting them and turning them into food, as it takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincents fritters after all. It's during the film's last act that Vincent puts both the pork and the chop into... well, pork chop.

I feel like the terrifying nature of going whole hog with a real pig's head speaks for itself when it comes to this mask, blurring the line between animal and human by taking both to the butcher's block.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.