13 Best Horror Movie Masks

3. William Shatner - Halloween

Scream Mask
Warner Brothers

One of the most famous masks in horror movie history, Michael Myers's Halloween mask is infamously known to be made up of a repurposed William Shatner mask - the original being a rubber Captain Kirk likeness from the TV series Star Trek.

Starting off with four choices and whittling it down to Shatner's for its complete lack of emotion, reflective of Myers's own blank slate, the mask was created by removing the eyebrows and sideburns, widening the eye sockets, painting it white, and teasing the hair out into something crazier looking - all working together to make one of the most iconic movie pieces ever.

The Halloween mask was accidentally given away at the end of the second movie, meaning subsequent versions were imitations trying to capture the original magic. You'd think wearing a mask makes sense when surrounded by halloween revellers and out to surreptitiously do some stabbing, but the real reason for Michael's disguise is never really disclosed in the original films, which makes it all the more disturbing. Anyone who can cope being in a rubber face for hours on end for no purpose obviously has some issues.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.