13 Best Horror Movie Masks

10. Smiley Face - Smiley

Scream Mask
Fever Productions LLC

Probably one of the grossest looking masks on this list, the smiley mask is some sick rendition of an emoticon, made out of bloated flesh with lacerations sewn shut to represent eyes and a mouth. Everything is just ten times worse when it looks like genuine skin that's had the Ed Gein treatment.

Smiley is the tale of a college student who fears she'll be the next victim of an internet killer after getting herself entangled with an urban legend. The film is a hot pile of trash, but does take the step of featuring YouTube stars in breakout roles to give its internet horror premise some authenticity - alongside its horrible fleshy antagonist seen through webcam screens.

Somewhere between a giant featureless baby and a potato carving, Smiley's mask is legitimately unnerving, and brings a whole new level of terror to your everyday emoticons. Let's hope they never get creative with a poo emoji mask.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.