13 Best Horror Movie Masks

11. Smiling Faces - The Purge

Scream Mask
Universal Pictures

Whilst the Purge series might have devolved over the years, the first movie of its kind had a special premise, exploring the politics of a world where crime is legal for 12 hours a year so that American citizens can 'purge' their immoral thoughts and actions out in one nasty evening. Featuring a family intent on waiting out the night in a gated community that accidentally let a target into their home, purgers soon follow: and will not stop until they get their mark back to complete their murder.

Of course, having 12 hours of lawless fun is going to bite you on the ass should anyone recognise who was out stabbing their neighbours the morning after the event by seeing your grim little face, so many wear masks to save any awkward encounters.

The purgers in this film all don similar creepy smiling faces, possibly to symbolise just how darn happy they are all year round thanks to the lovely night of death and destruction that keeps their country running. Startlingly enough, they manage to cast a man with the exact same face underneath his mask too, which gives a whole new layer to these all-too-human monsters.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.