13 Best Movies From Otherwise Terrible Franchises

9. Hostel Part II - The Hostel Trilogy

Jurassic Park
Screen Gems

Other Films: Hostel and Hostel Part III.

The first Hostel film, although it became notorious for its violence, isn't very good at all and the direct-to-DVD third film, which didn't involve franchise creator Eli Roth (no surprises there), was even worse. It suffered from its tame content, poor script and the decision to move the story from Eastern Europe to Las Vegas, thus robbing it of the mystique and otherworldly atmosphere of the first two films.

Nevertheless, sandwiched in-between these two irritating gore-fests is Hostel Part II, which is one of the finest Torture Porn horror films of all time, and in which Eli Roth really improved upon what didn't work in the first film in a very satisfying and admirable way.

Thanks to strong performances, a very disturbing atmosphere, a surprisingly smart script and engaging characters, this is far better than it had any right to be. It is a very nasty film and it won't be to all tastes, but genre fans will have a good time with it and, thanks to the food for thought it provides, many non-horror fans will likely appreciate it too.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.