13 Best Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies

3. Children Of Men

Children of Men Poster
Warner Bros.

It's 2027: every human on Earth is infertile, and Theo Faron is implored by his estranged wife to escort an illegal immigrant out of the United Kingdom. Yet this simple mission is made complicated by a militant activist group, the UK police state, and the first pregnancy in 18 years.

The trek across crumbling cityscapes and countryside is expertly filmed with breathtaking long shots and genuinely likeable shaky-cam. Some previous post-apocalyptic actors from this list return: Chiwetel Ejiofor again plays a militant on a mission, while Michael Caine is a political cartoonist turned marijuana dealer.

Children of Men sure does nail the absolute hopeless and depressive nature of the post-apocalyptic. Schools lay abandoned, refugees live in dystopian camps, and characters desperately dodge and outrun bombings, riots, and deafening gun-fights.

The saddest thing about Children of Men is it puts the blame squarely on us and our destructive behaviour. Can there be any hope in a world where humanity's continuation is uncertain?

In this post: 
Sci-Fi Mad Max
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.