13 Best Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies

2. Mad Max: Fury Road

Children of Men Poster
Warner Bros.

Stalker wasn't the only post-apocalyptic sci-fi with production issues. Fury Road somehow survived 18 years of development hell, which would usually spell doom for most movies. Fortunately, this reboot of the Mad Max series was a smash-hit.

The oppressive Immortan Joe rules the wasteland. His posse captures Max, who becomes embroiled in a rescue mission to help Joe's brides to the Green Place where they can be free from Joe's cruel control.

While the film has some excellent character development, it's on the road where Fury Road truly shines. The practical effects vibrantly pop off the screen, as Joe's insane crew of fiery-guitar-wielding, chrome-teethed maniacs chase Joe's brides and Max across The Wasteland. Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy astound as more-than-capable fighters ready to jump from vehicle to vehicle to slay Joe's devout War Boys. The audience can feel every clashing car and whizzing harpoon: it's everything an action junkie could want from a two-hour car chase across the desert.

Fury Road demands to be witnessed.

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Sci-Fi Mad Max
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.