13 Best Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Movies

12. 12 Monkeys

Children of Men Poster
Universal Pictures

Terry Gilliam is no stranger to depressing futures, like the dystopian sci-fi Brazil where becoming a freelance repairman is a terrorist act. Even his Arthurian tale Excalibur sees Perceval traversing the decaying kingdom of Camelot in search of the Holy Grail. But if we're really sticking to the brief, you can't go wrong with 12 Monkeys.

In 2035, a deadly virus has ravaged the world. While this fate cannot be undone, a group of scientists transport Bruce Willis back to the past in search of the virus' start in the hope they can develop a cure in their present, which is the future. Still with me?

While much of the film takes place in the 1990s, the murky underworld and snow-swept overworld of 2035 gives audiences a brief look of the post-apocalyptic. Humans hide underground as ice covers Philidelphia and animals roam wild. It's not precisely Bruce Willis' average action speed, but it's a terrific mind-bending time-travelling tale none-the-less.

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Sci-Fi Mad Max
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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.