13 Best Scenes From 2015's Summer Blockbusters

2. Brian Retires From The Gang - Furious 7

There's no question that tying up the seventh Fast and Furious film could've resulted in a total mess given the untimely death of Paul Walker mid-production, but director James Wan and his team did a terrific job paying tribute to the actor in a manner both tasteful and appropriate to the franchise's narrative. The movie ends on a beach, with Brian (appearing thanks to a combination of CGI and double work from his brothers Cody and Caleb) playing with his son Jack, as the team members remark that his time spent putting his life on the line appears to be over. Dom (Vin Diesel) walks away without saying goodbye, remarking, "It's never goodbye." Nevertheless, when Dom is cruising around in his car moments later, Brian pulls up and says, €œYou thought you could leave without saying goodbye?€, after which Dom narrates to the audience, €œI used to say I live my life a quarter of a mile at a time, and I think that€™s why we were brothers€, leading to a montage of Brian's greatest hits throughout the franchise. Dom then says €œYou€™ll always be with me. And you€™ll always be my brother€, as the Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth song "See You Again" swells, Dom and Brian's cars part on separate paths, and the camera pans up to the sky, where it reads "For Paul". Rather than go overboard with the tribute, Wan smartly opted for a clean and simple retirement of Walker's character, one which was certainly favourable to the misguided suggestions from some fans that Brian should be killed off. Who ever thought you'd need to bring tissues to a freaking Fast and Furious movie!?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.