13 Best Scenes From 2015's Summer Blockbusters

11. John Cena Tries To Talk Dirty - Trainwreck

While Amy (Amy Schumer) is having sex with her kinda-boyfriend Steven (John Cena), she asks him to talk dirty to her. He's not really into it because he's more physical than verbal, but he tries, talking about his "pecker", protein, energy, nutrition, inspirational sports phrases and basic Chinese lessons, before deciding he's no good at it. Amy encourages him, telling him to talk about the first time he saw her, and he describes seeing her from behind at a pizza place, adding, "You looked like a dude", at which point he near-instantly climaxes much to Amy's disappointment. Steven then gets off the bed, displaying his as* to the screen as he grabs a drink from the bathroom with a towel dangled over his Johnson. Love or hate John Cena, this scene proves he can be a fine actor with the right material. Sure, it shows off more of his body than many of his (straight male) fans would ever want to see, but it's an easy highlight in one of the summer's funniest movies.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.