13 Castings For New Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

10. Iggy Pop As The Sandman

Iggy Pop
By Derzsi Elekes Andor (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Film: The Sandman

If you ever find yourself wondering whatever happened to horror icon Dario Argento, wonder no more: he's been trying to make a movie adaptation of The Sandman (not the Gaiman one), the 19th Century German monster who stole the eyes of sleep-deprived children to feed to his own kids. On the moon. Obviously.

The weirdest part of the entire project - which was funded on IndieGogo successfully - is that Iggy Pop - 70-year-old punk legend and fancier of see-through plastic trousers is playing the villain. Everything here suggests everyone involved has lost their mind.

Will It Work?

Probably not, since it's a musician wanting to be an actor and that rarely works, but then again it's Dario Argento, so that might well be the whole point.


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