13 Castings For New Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

8. Dolph Lundgren As King Nereus

Dolph Lundgren Nereus
DC Comics

Film: Aquaman

Ever since Christopher Nolan cast weird in The Dark Knight Trilogy and gave career revivals to the likes of Rutger Hauer, Eric Roberts, Anthony Michael Hall and Matthew Modine, the idea of casting 80s legends in comic book movies has been a bit of thing.

Most recently Guardians Of The Galaxy cast Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone, we know Sharon Stone has an MCU performance coming up, and it seems to be catching. The latest addition to that little sub-genre of revivals is Dolph Lundgren, who is set to play King Nereus in Aquaman.

Aside from the familiarity of his face, quite why he'd be cast when his acting is... patchy at best, is just baffling. It's 2017, not 1987.

Will It Work?

Well, he's never been a good actor, so he's going to look like a scene-filler, glowering menacingly in the background. Rumour has it he's playing a love rival of Aquaman, despite zero romantic credentials and while pushing 60.


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