13 Cringe-Worthy Movie Moments That Completely Ruined Great Songs

1. Stuck In The Middle With You (Stealers Wheel) - Reservoir Dogs

And the song which has been the most ruined by a movie scene? It has to be Stealers Wheel's Stuck in the Middle with You, which Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) puts on moments before he tortures a bound police officer, eventually cutting his ear off. It's not just the juxtaposition of the seemingly cheery song with the grim visuals, but how we reinterpret lines such as "I got a feeling that somethin' ain't right", playing over the image of a cop well aware he's about to have a bad time. Michael Madsen's singing and dancing would be hilarious if not for the fact that he's got a blade in his hand, and doesn't waste time going to town on the guy. We don't even see the infamous ear cutting, but frankly, seeing Madsen talking into the severed ear while the song plays in the background is infinitely more unsettling. When Mr. Blonde leaves the building for a moment, we think it's over, but when he returns with a can of gasoline, the song is still playing out. The song ends before there's anymore bloodshed, but it's impossible to think of this song in the same light after seeing Tarantino's outrageous debut. Are there any other classic tunes ruined and totally perverted by movies, good or bad? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.