13 Crucial Death Scenes Ruined By Terrible Acting

7. Keanu Reeves Accidentally Mocks Trinity's Demise - The Matrix Revolutions

The Scene: After Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) crash their ship into the Machine City, Trin tells him, "I can't go with you, Neo. I've gone as far as I can...", as the shot cuts to reveal that she's been impaled by a set of steel cables. Neo, who is of course blind at this point, feels around to figure out what's happening and simply says, "What? Oh no..." Why It Sucks: Reeves gets a lot of flak for some of his more "dialed down" performances, but honestly his Neo is mostly on the money, given how Thomas Anderson is supposed to be something of an empty shell anyway. However, by the time Revolutions rolls around, it's pretty cringe-worthy that the script calls for Neo to say something as anti-climactic and tedious as "oh no..." to the death of his love, and that Reeves can't really find a way to inject much emotion into it. If there's any scene in the entire franchise which would benefit from a full-on Neo breakdown, this would be it. Granted, he does sob a few tears at the end of the scene, but the delivery of "oh no" induces more chuckles than tears from the audience, sadly. It just makes it all sound so damn trivial.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.