13 Crucial Death Scenes Ruined By Terrible Acting

6. Marion Cotillard's Head-Nodding Death Is Unintentionally Hilarious - The Dark Knight Rises

The Scene: After Batman causes Talia al Ghul's (Marion Cotillard) truck to violently crash, it's evident that she has been mortally wounded by the accident. She informs Bats and co. that the bomb cannot be stopped and will be detonating shortly. Her final words are, "My father's work...is done", before she takes two sharp breaths, and on the third does an over-exaggerated nod as she dies. Why It Sucks: The scene is one of the most universally despised in The Dark Knight Rises, and it's tough to accept that this is truly the best take Christopher Nolan managed to get out of an Oscar-winning actress. Her final breaths are wildly over-the-top and unintentionally hilarious enough that a Tumblr website was created dedicated to people dying hammy deaths just like Talia. Why did her head need to move so violently? Couldn't she have just stopped breathing?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.