13 Disappointing Recent Films That Should've Been Great

8. Alien: Covenant

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad

What Was Expected

Something in the vein of Aliens (1986); a thrilling science-fiction horror film with a renewed focus on the Xenomorphs, and also with Michael Fassbender returning and Ridley Scott at the helm.

What We Actually Got

This was nothing more than Prometheus... with Xenomorphs. The dumb decisions, flat characters, hollow story and bad dialogue remain firmly intact.

Of course, Michael Fassbender is unreal in his double performance as David and Walter and the character of David continues to be very interesting, but nothing around him is nearly as refined.

There is absolutely no need for a Xenomorph origin story. An entire trilogy explaining how the Alien was created is a tragic waste of money. And on top of that, when you go to see a horror film, you expect to be scared. Sadly, Covenant was never scary at all.

Sure, the gore is cool, but this is noticeably light on actual suspense. This tension-free crafting of this film proves that Ridley Scott has been given far too many chances, and he may be a good visual stylist, but he's no master director.

Emotionless, un-scary and frustratingly dumb, this is a bitterly disappointing experience.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.