13 Dumbest Things In 2018's Summer Movies

1. The Ultimate Predator Wants Autism - The Predator

The Predator

Shane Black's hugely disappointing Predator sequel culminates with one of the most botched, ill-conceived plot twists in any major blockbuster this year: the Ultimate Predator hasn't been hunting Quinn McKenna (Boyd Holbrook) in order to harvest his DNA as expected, but rather his young son Rory (Jacob Tremblay).

You see, Rory suffers from Asperger syndrome - a form of autism - and mid-way through the movie Casey (Olivia Munn) makes the ham-fisted assessment that some scientists view autism as merely the next step in the human evolutionary chain.

When the Ultimate Predator seeks out Rory at the end of the film, Casey reiterates that the creature wants Rory because of his "evolved" nature, the implication being that his autism can help the Predators get an intelligence boost and make them more efficient hunters.

That Black thought this would be a satisfying direction for the franchise is just utterly mind-boggling, especially given the consistent quality of his prior movies. Just...no.

What were the dumbest things you saw this summer at the movies? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.