13 Early Predictions For Star Wars Episode IX

13. It Begins With Leia's Funeral (And A Time Jump)

Star Wars The Force Awakens Princess Leia

With Carrie Fisher passing away shortly after production on The Last Jedi wrapped, it's not exactly a bold prediction to declare she'll probably be killed off before Episode IX begins. How exactly it'll be dealt with, though, is a whole other matter.

As The Last Jedi picked up immediately after The Force Awakens, it's probable that Episode IX will have some sort of time jump. Leaping forward a few more years would also make Leia's death feel a little more organic, presuming it happens from natural causes at least.

The title crawl may very well open with, "General Leia is dead", and it'd be a majorly missed opportunity if a figure of Leia's stature and repute wasn't given an epic funeral.

Expect this to open the movie, as it's a convenient way to bring all the key heroic players together, and could even serve as the setting for the First Order's latest attack, tastefulness be-damned.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.