2. Daredevil
The Role: Bullseye (Colin Farrell)
Why Nic Cage Would Have Improved It: Daredevil is a heavily flawed movie, and though the Director's Cut is a significant improvement, one element that still falls horribly flat is Colin Farrell's take on one of the film's villains, assassin Bullseye. Much like Tommy Lee Jones' aforementioned performance as Two-Face, Farrell takes a character that's supposed to be intimidating and terrifying and turns them into a corny joke. The crappy one-liners didn't help, but Farrell totally mis-interpreted the character, and in the darker Director's Cut, he especially sticks out like a sore, goofy thumb. The thought of Cage playing a bald-headed dude with a bullseye tattoo on his forehead while clad in a black leather jacket is a curious visual image for sure, but again, Cage has enough respect for the comic book medium that we suspect he'd give a more grounded rendition of the character and actually seem like he was putting some effort in. Sure, we'd still have the corny dialogue, though hopefully Cage wouldn't ham it up quite so much. Above all else, Cage is just a much more interesting actor than Farrell, and he would have kept us glued to the screen.