12 Giant Plot Holes In Successful Films

10. The Terminator - Are Skynet Really That Intelligent?

Time travel€ it€™s a dangerous prospect when scriptwriters delve in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics that not even the brightest minds of academia can comprehend. But, James Cameron does it anyway.

The Terminator suffers from the same issues of causality inherent in the use of time travel - particularly in movies. Examining John Connor€™s conception, birthed by Sarah Connor after the time-travelling Kyle Reese spawns from the future, leads to the assumption that Skynet could have simply prevented the conception of the future resistance leader in the first place.

If Reese was sent in response to the threat of Arnie's T-1, Skynet could have simply refused to send the T-1 back in time - therefore, Sarah Connor would never face any threat from Skynet and the union with Kyle Reese would never transpire.


Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.