13 Great Actors Completely Wasted In MCU Movies
4. Anthony Hopkins - Thor
The Role: Odin
For a while, it seems that Mel Gibson might have played Odin in the MCU - or so he claims, anyway - the result of which would probably have been pretty divisive. But at least it would have been better than the nothing role given to Anthony Hopkins, who seems to have been cast purely because of his classical training and because he looks like Odin a bit.
The actor clearly wasn't all that enthusiastic about the role either - particularly in The Dark World - as he said he'd "already forgotten it" before it even came out. Given that he's essentially just there to be a grumpy old God and has very little of note to do until Thor: Ragnarok when he eventually gets something fun and something dramatic to do (in the Loki play scene and his death respectively) it's not that surprising that he wasn't that happy. At least he admitted that he was in it for the pay.
But even if he was happy with the money, the fact that he was so openly apathetic towards the material says exactly what you need to know about the little he was given to do. Mel Gibson would never have stood for that and he's nowhere near the ability of Hopkins at even half-speed.