13 Harsh Truths We Don't Want To Admit About Comic Book Movies

1. The Comic Book Movie Bubble Will Burst Eventually

AvengersMarvel StudiosAs much as we hate to admit it, the comic book bubble is going to burst eventually: there will come a point, perhaps a long time from now, where market saturation sets in and audiences will have had their fill with Iron Man, the X-Men, Batman, Spider-Man and so on. As we already mentioned, there is an inherent necessity for these properties to be rebooted and recast roughly every 10-15 years, and it follows that when Robert Downey Jr and Hugh Jackman finally throw in the towels, audiences aren't necessarily going to be receptive to whoever follows their lead. In addition to this, with the risk of a new cast and crew comes a nervous studio who may seek to have more control of the project than the new writer or director may appreciate, and with one misguided movie, the studio may lose most of their audience, and therefore their chance to make another one. That probably won't stop them trying to reboot it if it fails, but there's no guarantee that will work either, and the potential desperation that may set in could simply drive audiences even further away. The future of the comic book movie is certainly exciting, but it's also plenty scary too: this success cannot and will not continue forever. What do you make of the future of the comic book flick? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.