13 Hollywood Stars Who Voiced Favourite Studio Ghibli Characters

4. Mark Hamill - Laputa: Castle In The Sky

If you€™re one of those people who thought that Mark Hamill simply disappeared after Luke Skywalker, think again. Along with young versions of Anna Pacquin and James Van Der Beek, Hamill joined the cast of Disney€™s dub of Castle in the Sky to take on the voice of Muska, a dastardly government official hell bent on finding the legendary castle of Laupta. The only catch is this place is €“ you guessed it €“ in the sky. Muska does eventually chase the story€™s protaganists Sheeta and Pazu to the abandoned floating paradise of Laupta, and you better believe he has a hidden agenda to get to as soon as he arrives. Hamill, who has voiced for numerous games and movies, is unbelievably creepy as Muska, creating one of the great early Ghibli bad guys, an animated slime ball that you really want to take an eraser to.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.