13 Hollywood Stars Who Voiced Favourite Studio Ghibli Characters

3. Patrick Stewart - Nausicaa: Valley Of The Wind

While Valley Of The Wind was actually created just before the studio was officially founded, it is widely considered to be the very beginning of the Ghibli Empire and is included in the Studio Ghibli Collection DVD box set. The original was released in Japan in the 80s, though the English language version wasn€™t dubbed until 2005 when it attracted the attention of actors it couldn€™t have dreamed of 20 years previous. Patrick Stewart came on board as Master Yupa, an explorer and seasoned swordsman who mentors our young hero Nausicaa, who just happens to be the Princess of the aforementioned valley. Stewart€™s unmistakable tones really seem at home coming from behind Yupa€™s huge bushy beard.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.