13 Hollywood Stars Who Voiced Favourite Studio Ghibli Characters

9. Billy Bob Thornton - Princess Mononoke

Billy Bob Thornton voices the part of Jigo in Princess Mononoke, an Imperial Agent travelling in disguise, assigned by the Emperor to remove and capture the head of the forest spirit in return for an entire hill of gold. Very Billy Bob if you ask me, and his downbeat tones match the character perfectly. Princess Mononoke is officially Japan€™s third favourite anime film after Spirited Away and Howl€™s Moving Castle, both also written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Studio Ghibli are so fond of it in fact, that they forbid Harvey Weinstein from making any changes to the film under the guise of western marketability. Ghibli producers went as far as sending an authentic Japanese katana samurai sword to Miramax with a simple message that read "no cuts€. Bad ass.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.