13 Huge Marvel Movie Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

3. How Did Tony Stark Resist The Sceptre?

The Avengers Loki Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

Before it was revealed that the Mind Stone was inside Loki's sceptre, it had some pretty strange powers in The Avengers and its sequel. It was capable of mind control (which makes sense), but also traditional explosive powers like shooting energy at enemies, changing the genetics of non-powered test subjects to make them empowered and teleportation, somehow. Some of that was no more than accidentally plot-holing, but the control issue was all fine.

Well, it would have been had Tony Stark not somehow managed to resist the Mind Stone when Loki tried to pull a body-snatch on him.

You could say that Tony was simply protected by his chest arc reactor, but there's no reason in the film's logic why that would stop the Mind Stone's powers. The reactor is as much a part of Tony as Hawkeye's body armour that does nothing to protect him. So what about the reactor defies the Stone and wouldn't it be useful when it came to fighting Thanos when he has all of the Stones in Infinity War?


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