13 Huge Movies That Black Panther Destroyed At The Box Office

2. Every Animated Movie Ever

Frozen Elsa Ana

Box Office: Frozen ($1.276 billion), Minions ($1.159 billion), Toy Story 3 ($1.067 billion), Despicable Me 3 ($1.034 billion), Finding Dory ($1.028 billion), Zootopia ($1.023 billion).

These are all the animated movies to date which have crossed the billion-dollar mark, and while almost every single one of them firmly eclipses Black Panther as a commercial brand - with toy sales, lunch boxes and so on factored in - when it comes down to pure box office might, T'Challa somehow still came out on top.

That's right, not even the power of Princess Elsa, the Minions and Gru, Woody and Buzz or even Dory and Nemo could measure up to a...black ensemble superhero movie.

It's easy to be incredibly cynical about general audience tastes, but this year, Black Panther really blew the lid off all that by dethroning even the most family-friendly box office sureties.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.