13 Incredible Performances By Otherwise Terrible Actors

12. Orlando Bloom - Lord Of The Rings

Legolas Gimli Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema

When Orlando Bloom broke out and into Lord Of The Rings as shimmery-haired, enigmatic elf Legolas, it looked like we had a big star in the making. He had those ethereal elven good looks and a youthful glimmer in his eyes that seemed to suggest he'd go far.

And while he's since been in some pretty huge blockbusters - mostly related to Pirates and the Caribbean, to be honest - he's never been anything like as good as he was as Legolas. For that role, he was both regal and boisterous (thanks to his dynamic with Gimli) and his involvement in the action sequences is some of the best in the entire series.

Sadly, his high-points since then have been few and far between and even his dependability as Legolas evaporated somewhat when he returned for The Hobbit.


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