13 Incredible Performances By Otherwise Terrible Actors

11. Tim Allen - Toy Story

Buzz Lightyear Out Of The Box

In Home Improvement and the Santa Clause movies, Tim Allen essentially plays the same character - a man-child not quite suited to his situation, which inevitably leads to hi-jinx. He's charming enough in them, but he's far from a great actor, with painfully limited range and appeal.

But he's legitimately brilliant as Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies, where another culture clash role comes off perfectly thanks in part to the arrogance and self-confidence that underpins most of his roles. Lightyear is an old school jingoistic military man dropped into a cynical world whose reluctance to see the truth is as hilarious as his moment of realisation is devastating.

He's sidelined a little in the other movies as Woody remains the main character, but in that first movie he offers one of the best ever Pixar vocal performances.


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