13 Incredible Performances By Otherwise Terrible Actors

9. Lindsay Lohan - Mean Girls

Mean Girls Lindsey Lohan
Paramount Pictures

Lindsay Lohan had a good career as a child actor all the way up to Freaky Friday in 2013, but it's a little unfair to consider those performances next to her... decidedly more adult later roles.

But in 2004, it looked like she had made the jump to grown-up roles perfectly, thanks to the simply wonderful Mean Girls. Aided by a great script by Tina Fey, Lohan is wonderful as 16-year-old Cady Heron, both as the naive but assured outsider and as the "plastic" she initially fights so hard against.

She's a monster of her own making, manipulated and moulded by arch-villainess Regina George, and it is the strength of her performance that makes the whole thing so irresistibly charming.


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