13 Incredible Performances By Otherwise Terrible Actors

10. Jai Courtney - Suicide Squad

Captain Boomerang Suicide Squad React
Warner Bros.

In the run-up to Suicide Squad's release, the idea of Jai Courtney playing a villain as silly as Captain Boomerang was a significant cause for alarm and humour (depending rather on how you wanted the film to turn out). This was - after all - the actor who had been terrible in Die Hard 5, awful in I, Frankenstein and incredibly boring in Terminator Genisys.

Sure, he'd been okay in the Divergent movies, but there was nothing to really convince that he wasn't wholly unsuited to blockbuster movies.

And then, because it seemed like he was the only actor who knew how awful Suicide Squad was, he turned in a performance that felt like he had precisely zero f*cks to give. He was hilarious, unhinged, lived up to his villain-billing and mercifully never got trapped in the idiotic melodrama that undermined all the other characters.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.