13 Intriguing Potential Fates For Iron Man In The MCU

9. Becomes A Villain Of Sorts

Tony Stark's inclusion in Captain America 3 has led many people to believe that a Civil War storyline is imminent in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Robert Downey, Jr. is as good as confirmed to be the antagonist in that movie, which essentially means he's the movie's villain. If heroes opt to side with Captain America in future movies, Tony Stark could actually be an antagonist for several movies to come. Stark has several good qualities, but he has also shown himself to be cocky, arrogant, selfish and stubborn at times - traits which would actually make him a pretty decent bad guy. Of course, he could never be an outright villain, given what he's done so far, and he would always have his fans - and that would give the Marvel Cinematic Universe a whole new dynamic.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.